The efficacy of Chloroquine derivatives in COVID-19: a meta-analysis based on the first available reports


Version 2 du 07 mai 2020
Breaking news : The efficacy of Chloroquine derivatives in COVID-19: a meta-analysis based on the first available reports
Matthieu MILLION, Philippe GAUTRET, Philippe COLSON, Yanis ROUSSEL, Gregory DUBOURG, Florence FENOLLAR, Pierre-Edouard FOURNIER, Jean-Marc ROLAIN, Jean-Christophe LAGIER, Philippe PAROLA, Philippe BROUQUI, Didier RAOULT

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Figures 1 et 2
Supplementary dataset

Version 1 du 30 avril 2020
The efficacy of Chloroquine derivatives in COVID-19: a meta-analysis based on the first available reports
Matthieu Million, Philippe Gautret, Didier Raoult

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Figure 1
Figure 2
Supplementary dataset



Author: Redaction